Headlines 30 May 24

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We at KoinNews believe that the world is changing rapidly and our goal is to provide insight into these changes and where they might lead. We present articles from all perspectives if we feel that they are an accurate indicator of the changes or the direction of change. We are apolitical and try to be objective in bringing you the headlines that matter.


Kommunity News

What’s the difference between the Star Trek economy and the KommunityKoin economy? Surprisingly, not much. Both are “Giving Based” rather than “Getting Based”. In both economies people do for others, work, and contribute to society because they want to rather than need to. In both economies, people have a sincere desire to add to the well-being of the whole rather than focus solely on their own self-centered desires. Neither are driven by the lust for wealth accumulation, possessions, greed, or power. They are both egalitarian and view everyone’s time and contributions as important and value and respect is given freely to all, despite monetary status. The video below is an interesting look at the Economics of Star Trek. The ideas can be applied to our world if we so choose. Check it out.

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