Headlines 08 Jan 24

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Taking Care of Your Body is Your Responsibility: Let’s See Why and How (TheKoinBlog.com)

In a time where convenience takes precedence over doing what we know we should, it’s essential to take a step back and remember that our bodies are a gift that needs careful stewarding. From the foods we eat, the pharmaceuticals we take, to our level of activity, and exposure to bioelectric disruptive technology, all these aspects greatly influence our well-being. Now more than ever, we need to think about what good stewardship of our own bodies means.


Israel Likud Party Member Moshe Saade: "We Must Annihilate all Gazans" (HalTurner)

"Never Again" they cry . . . . Referring to the slaughter of Jews by Nazis. Yet the very same people who cry "Never again" are out on TV saying "Annihilate all Gazans."  The irony is rich. Moshe Saade is a member of Israel's Likud Party.  He was on television the other day and said this:


Israel signals it has wrapped up major combat in northern Gaza as the war enters its fourth month (AP)

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military signaled that it has wrapped up major combat in northern Gaza, saying it has completed dismantling Hamas’ military infrastructure there, as the war against the militant group entered its fourth month Sunday.

Israel did not address troop deployments in northern Gaza going forward. Military spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said late Saturday that forces would focus on the central and southern parts of the territory and strengthen defenses along the Israel-Gaza border fence.


Western diplomats seek to prevent Gaza spillover after three months of war (Reuters)

AMMAN/CAIRO/JERUSALEM, Jan 7 (Reuters) - Top U.S and European diplomats urged leaders in the Middle East on Sunday to keep the Gaza war from spreading across the region, but three months into the conflict, more bloodshed underlined the challenge as Israel presses ahead with its offensive.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the European Union's top diplomat, Josep Borrell, were on separate trips to the region to try to quell spillover from the war into Lebanon, the West Bank and Red Sea shipping routes, where Yemen's Iran-aligned Houthis have said they will keep up attacks until Israel halts its campaign in the Palestinian enclave.


Israel’s talk of expanding war to Lebanon alarms U.S. (WashPost)

ISTANBUL — President Biden has dispatched his top aides to the Middle East with a critical objective: Prevent a full-blown war from erupting between Israel and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Israel has made clear it views as untenable the regular exchange of fire between its forces and Hezbollah along the border and may soon launch a major military operation in Lebanon.


Italian foreign minister calls for formation of EU army (Reuters)

ROME, Jan 7 (Reuters) - The European Union should form its own combined army that could play a role in peacekeeping and preventing conflict, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said.

In an interview with Italian newspaper La Stampa, Tajani said that closer European cooperation on defence was a priority for the Forza Italia party that he leads.

"If we want to be peacekeepers in the world, we need a European military. And this is a fundamental precondition to be able to have an effective European foreign policy," he said in an interview published on Sunday.


John Haller's Prophecy Update Questions

An interesting weekly commentary on world events and their implications for Christians.


Lloyd Austin Leaving Biden in Dark Over Hospitalization Raises Questions (NewsWeek)

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's secret hospitalization has raised several questions after senior U.S. officials, including President Joe Biden, were kept in the dark for days about the condition of the country's most senior defense official.

Austin was admitted to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on January 1, Pentagon press secretary, Major General Pat Ryder, said on Friday. He suffered "complications following a recent elective medical procedure," Ryder said in a brief statement.

A U.S. official told Reuters that the president was informed on Thursday evening, several days after Austin was admitted to hospital. A Biden administration official told CBS News that National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, and the White House's National Security Council were told on Thursday morning.


North Korea vows military strike if any provocation, fires artillery rounds (Reuters)

SEOUL, Jan 7 (Reuters) - North Korea will launch a military strike immediately in response to any provocation, Kim Yo Jong, the sister and key ally of leader Kim Jong Un, said on Sunday, as it fired artillery shells near its border with the South for the third day in a row.

The remarks come after South Korea's military said the North had fired more than 60 artillery rounds on Saturday near their disputed maritime border, following a similar volley of more than 200 the previous day.

North Korea again fired about 90 rounds on Sunday, the South said. The North's army said they did not pose any threat to the South as the firing drill was conducted parallel to the border.

"I make myself clear once again that the safety catch of trigger of the Korean People's Army (KPA) had already been slipped," Kim Yo Jong, one of the most powerful members of Kim Jong Un's regime, said in a statement carried by state news agency KCNA.


Vladimir Putin reveals new 'enemy' as world wakes up to major escalation of conflict (express.co.uk)

The Russian autocrat claims war against his new enemy has been "centuries" in the making.

Russian president Vladimir Putin has claimed the West is the real "enemy" as his invasion of Ukraine approaches its second anniversary.

The former KGB operative, who is seeking re-election in March, claimed forces in western countries including the US and Britain were working to destroy "Russian statehood" - and providing weapons to Ukraine to ensure the world's largest country suffered a "strategic defeat" on the battlefield.

While speaking to a wounded soldier at a military hospital, Putin claimed that "Ukraine itself is not our enemy".

He added: "The point is not that they (the West) are helping our enemy. They are our enemy.


Russia is on course to lose 500,000 troops by end of 2024, after turning its forces into a 'low quality, high quantity mass army,' says UK intel (BusinessInsider)

  • Russia is on course to have lost half a million soldiers by the end of the year, the UK Ministry of Defense said.

  • Russia's forces have become "a low quality, high quantity mass army," the department said.

  • It will likely take Russia five to 10 years to rebuild its forces to a high standard.


Trump, in Iowa, demands release of those jailed for 2021 Capitol attack (Reuters)

CLINTON, Iowa, Jan 6 (Reuters) - Donald Trump on Saturday downplayed his role in the siege of the U.S. Capitol on the third anniversary of the attack, arguing that those prosecuted for storming the building should be freed.

Speaking at a campaign event in Clinton, Iowa with the first Republican nominating contest little more than a week away, Trump called those jailed in the wake of the Jan. 6, 2021 attack "hostages" and said they had been mistreated by the Biden administration.


A viral social media post claims 1 in 3 people will get COVID this winter. Is it true? (Yahoo)

The United States is in the middle of a wintertime COVID wave, driven by holiday gatherings, people spending more time inside, waning immunity from low uptake of the new COVID vaccine and a new highly infectious COVID variant, JN.1.

viral social media post based on data from the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention is calling this surge the second-biggest COVID wave in the history of the U.S. — after the omicron surge from late 2021 to early 2022, which infected more people than even the early days of the pandemic.


DARPA’s Man in Wuhan (UnlimitedHangout)

Michael Callahan’s career began in USAID and in the bioweapons labs of the former Soviet Union, advancing the agenda of the global bioweapons and pharmaceutical cartels. He would take what he learned there to execute a massive expansion of DARPA’s biodefense portfolio and today finds himself squarely in the center of the origins of the coronavirus pandemic.


REVEALED: Biden’s HHS Paving the Way for the Next Lockdown (Breitbart)

American tax dollars were hard at work this holiday season at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), where the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act was quietly amended.

No vote required.

The changes, made unilaterally without requiring any legislature vote, expanded the legal countermeasures that the Department may take to combat Ebola or Marburg virus pandemics. The changes, which are authorized through 2028, have sweeping implications. The new, amended PREP Act now covers federal funding for counteractions against these viruses, including:

  • Devices

  • Therapeutics

  • Diagnostics… and most importantly…

  • Vaccines

Considering there has never been an Ebola or Marburg pandemic in the U.S., these actions appear to be just in time for a pandemic that doesn’t yet exist.


Will You Survive the Next 7 Years; The Tribulation (TheKoinBlog.com)

In Christian eschatology, which is the study of end times, the book of Revelation serves as a key resource for understanding what awaits us in the future. We will explore the central themes of the tribulations that will befall humanity and the earth during the seven-year period leading up to the return of Jesus Christ, also known as Jeshua haMashiach.

The overall narrative is intricate and contains a wealth of information. For the purpose of this discussion, we will focus on three aspects: the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls that arise during the period of time just before and then during the tribulation. The question of whether believers will experience these tribulations alongside non-believers is a matter of debate. However, in this post, we will not be exploring the concept of the “rapture.” Instead, we will concentrate on the specific tribulations that individuals can anticipate during each phase of this time period. I am not a Bible scholar but in my reading of the text, these are the basic ideas that I see and I include some commentary on the seals.


Is the EU Willing to Go to War Over Lithium? (ZeroHedge)

The riddle of the unhinged EU's support for the Zelensky regime in Kyiv is now solved. Anyone so inclined can easily unravel why the Germans, in particular, backstabbed Russia in the Minsk peace boondoggle. Lithium.


The US sees a drop in illegal border crossings after Mexico increases enforcement (AP)

EAGLE PASS, Texas (AP) — Daniel Bermudez’s family had fled Venezuela and was headed to the U.S. to seek asylum when the freight train they were riding through Mexico was stopped by immigration officials.

His wife tried to explain that her family had permission to go to the U.S. Instead, they flew her to Mexico’s southern border as part of a surge of enforcement actions that U.S. officials say have contributed to a sharp drop in illegal border crossings.

In addition to forcing migrants from trains, Mexico also resumed flying and busing them to the southern part of the country and started flying some home to Venezuela.


Get ready to spend two years in prison (ZeroHedge)

Hunter Biden most likely isn’t going to jail any time soon despite an obvious track record of fraud and criminality. But if you happen to be a small business owner in the Land of the Free, you are looking at potentially two years in prison if you don’t comply with a new law that just took effect yesterday.


How to deal with same-sex unions? It’s a question fracturing major Christian denominations (AP)

Catholics around the world are sharply divided by the Vatican’s recent declaration giving priests more leeway to bless same-sex couples. Supporters of LGBTQ inclusion welcome the move; some conservative bishops assail the new policy as a betrayal of the church’s condemnation of sexual relations between gay or lesbian partners.

Strikingly, the flare-up of debate in Catholic ranks coincides with developments in two other international Christian denominations — the global Anglican Communion and the United Methodist Church — that are fracturing over differences in LGBTQ-related policies.

Taken together, it’s a dramatic illustration of how – in a religion that stresses God’s love for humanity – divisions over marriage, sexuality, and inclusion of gays and lesbians are proving insurmountable for the foreseeable future in many sectors of Christianity.


Building Community is More Important than Ever - See Why (KommunityKoin.com)

In a world that thrives on connectivity and collaboration, taking action to build social capital is not just a choice but a necessity for personal and collective growth. By actively engaging in building social capital, individuals empower themselves to connect, learn, and amplify their impact. In taking this first step towards building social capital, individuals embark on a journey of mutual support and collaboration, where the sum is truly greater than its parts.


Fat Propaganda Roundup: American Diabetes Association Recommends Processed Sugar (ZeroHedge)

ADA’s sick 60-grams-of-sugar pickle recipe

The sadistic biomedical profiteers over at the American Diabetes Association, who benefit greatly (in fact, base their entire career on it) from increasing diabetes rather than solving it, have a recipe for “sweet and sour cucumbers” that contain 60 (!) grams of added processed sugar.


‘Polluter pays’ doctrine will take on new meaning (Reuters)

MILAN, Jan 3 (Reuters Breakingviews) - Companies will learn the hard way that polluting the world has a cost. Ten years after the deadly Rana Plaza factory-building collapse that killed more than 1,000 underpaid textile workers in Bangladesh, cheap polyester clothes from Shein, Boohoo (BOOH.L) or Primark continue to fill our wardrobes before hitting the landfill. Meanwhile, more than 350 million metric tons of Coca-Cola bottles, Mars wrappers and other plastic items are discarded each year. This may change as a crackdown on fossil fuel-based waste takes shape in 2024.