Headline 10 Jan 24

KoinNews - Bringing You The News That Matters

Prepared on 09 Jan 24 for release on 10 Jan 24

Do You Have A Decision To Make Today?

The Way I See It (KoinNews)

As predicted, 2024 is off with a bang. The only question is; what will be the first domino to fall in this meta-crisis that is brewing before our very eyes. There are so many possible initiating events and your guess is as good as anyone else’s. But, frankly, I’m not sure that it really matters which one falls first because the outcome will be the same – a collapse of life as we have known it in the west for several generations. I’m not saying a total end to life itself, just a radical change. From this point forward, nothing will be the same again for many years and, if we are indeed in the tribulation or in the end times, maybe never again. Civilizations come and go, empires rise and fall but, it sucks for those that must live through it. Whoever said: “May you live in interesting times” was either a glutton for punishment or had a sadistic sense of humor. I prefer to live in very uninteresting times myself.

This saying is actually an English expression that is often attributed to an ancient Chinese curse. However, its exact origins are unclear but it is usually meant ironically. To live in “interesting times” is regarded as a curse, since it is characterized by anxiety and conflict rather than relative peace and goodwill. 

However it was meant and wherever it came from I’d like to offer this: “May we all live in boring times”.

Sweden Army Chief: "All Citizens Must Prepare for War (w/Russia)" (HalTurner)

The Commander-in-Chief of the Swedish Armed Forces, Büden, and Minister of Civil Defense, Bulin, announced Monday that All Swedish citizens must prepare for the fact that war may break out in the country."

Bulin called on everyone to help build Sweden's total defense, and on municipal officials to provide shelter points, an emergency water and food supply plan, and on workers to ask their employer what their role is in organizing a workplace war, and to consider what they will need to be able to continue working in difficult conditions.

Sweden continues to follow the course of joining NATO, which is why the confrontation with Russia is expected to escalate.

Next NATO Member Commits Troops to Russia Border After 200-Year Neutrality (NewsWeek)

Sweden—sat in the NATO waiting room until Hungary and Turkey drop their opposition to Stockholm's accession—has committed to sending "ground combat units" to take part in alliance operations along the Russian border.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said on Monday that Stockholm would not wait for ratification of its membership bid by the two rogue alliance parliaments in Ankara and Budapest, and would send Swedish troops to Latvia on NATO's eastern frontier.

"Sweden and its neighbors are living in the direct shadow of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine," Kristersson said. "But Russia's threats, disinformation and cyberattacks are an attempt to destabilize the whole of Europe."

"Last year, I announced that Sweden was—in addition to contributing to NATO's Baltic Air Policing and cooperation to boost European air defense—ready to provide ground combat units to the defense of the Baltic countries. Today, I can report that the government intends to contribute a reduced battalion to the Canadian-led forces in Latvia."

Putin Forced To Dispatch National Guard Against Uprising (NewsWeek)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has deployed nearly 35,000 national guardsmen to curb Ukrainian resistance in occupied territories under Moscow's control, according to Kyiv's Nation Resistance Center (CNR).

Watch: More Than 300 Pro-Palestinian Protesters Arrested for Blocking NYC Bridges, Holland Tunnel (Breitbart)

A massive mob of anti-Israel protesters took over three New York City bridges and Manhattan’s Holland Tunnel, leading to more than 300 arrests Monday morning.

The swarm of “Shut it Down for Palestine” demonstrators rallied through City Hall Park before descending upon the tunnel, as well as the Williamsburg, Brooklyn, and Manhattan Bridges.

Footage obtained by BreakThrough News shows members of the group standing, sitting, and holding banners across the roadways. 

 Blinken: Mideast nations have 'real' interest in working with Israel postwar. Live updates (USAtoday)

Several key Middle East countries have come around to the notion of helping plan for a postwar Gaza, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday amid a whirlwind trip of the region partly aimed at keeping the Israel-Hamas war from expanding.

Blinken also said he has found widespread interest in normalizing relations with Israel among Arab nations he has visited during this fourth journey to the region since October, provided some conditions are met.

 Prospects of Deal on Ukraine Aid, Border Security Unclear as D.C. Reconvenes (NewsMax)

A deal on U.S. aid for Ukraine and policy changes at the border with Mexico was left uncertain Monday as Congress returned with Senate negotiators struggling to reach an agreement and House Republicans trying to interject their own stringent immigration demands.

Serbian Mercenary Turns on Russian Leaders: 'They Treat Us Like Cattle' (NewsWeek)

The Kremlin has refused to comment on allegations from a Serbian mercenary and close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin who has turned on Russian military leaders and complained about the inhumane treatment of fighters in the war in Ukraine.

Serbian sniper Dejan Beric made a number of damning allegations in a video appeal published on the social media platform VKontakte. In the clip, he spoke about the treatment of mercenaries serving under Russia's 119th Parachute and Airborne Regiment as part of a separate unit named "Wolf."

According to Beric, the regiment's command calls the Serbian mercenaries "gypsies," treats them "like cattle," and asks why they chose to join Russia in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The mercenaries are also made to pay for their equipment, uniforms, and even water, he said.


Joe Biden Compares 2020 Election Deniers To Confederates After Civil War (HuffPost)

Speaking to a predominantly Black audience on Monday at the site of the worst white supremacist terror attack in recent U.S. history, President Joe Biden compared the people who falsely assert that the 2020 election was stolen to defeated members of the Confederacy making spurious claims about the Civil War.

Biden’s remarks from the pulpit at Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, showed how the president hopes to use former President Donald Trump’s role in fomenting the U.S. Capitol riot of Jan. 6, 2021, to excite the Black voters in his base, as well as retain the support of suburban swing voters.


Joe Biden Is Producing More Oil Than Donald Trump Did (NewsWeek)

American oil production has reached its largest volume in recorded history—more than 13.2 million barrels per day in October, official figures show—outpacing its highest point under Donald Trump's presidency, 13 million barrels daily in November 2019.

This is despite President Joe Biden making environmental politics and the transition to a green economy a key plank of his agenda, while his predecessor has consistently touted a desire to increase fossil fuel production to keep the price of gas and energy low for consumers.


GOP identifies Biden’s 64 actions that have ‘broken’ the border (WashTimes)

House Speaker Mike Johnson released a list Tuesday detailing 64 actions President Biden has taken that wrecked the border and created the worst levels of illegal immigration in history.

The list comes as Mr. Johnson and Mr. Biden stake out opposite positions in negotiations over a national security spending bill, with the Louisiana Republican pushing for major changes to border policy, and the Democratic president resisting.

Mr. Johnson said Mr. Biden started breaking the border on his first day in office, when he canceled border wall construction and proposed an amnesty for illegal immigrants.


Michelle Obama Says 2024 Election Worries Keep Her Up At Night (HuffPost)

Michelle Obama revealed in an interview Monday that among the things that keep her up at night are her fears about the 2024 election.

“What’s going to happen in this next election? I am terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter ― who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit,” the former first lady said on Jay Shetty’s podcast “On Purpose” when he asked what keeps her up at night.


Fears over a ‘Tripledemic’ are Surging – Don’t be Afraid, Be Prepared! (ZeroHedge)

The mainstream media is back to their bread and butter fear-mongering, just in time for the 2024 election! Just this weekend, The Hill, ran a story with the headline:  “Why fears over a ‘tripledemic’ are surging. The story leads off noting that:

Cases of three major respiratory viruses — the flu, COVID-19 and RSV — are surging in the U.S., pushing the country toward a feared “tripledemic” during its first post-pandemic respiratory viral season. 

The “surging” fears over a ‘tripledemic’ come as former President Donald Trump surges in the polls against Joe Biden. Leading many to ask whether or not these fears are a rational reaction to healthcare developments or a signal of the next plandemic, which has nothing to do with your health and everything to do with attempting to rig yet another election for Biden.

The truth is that there is no reason to be afraid. We learned our lessons from the last pandemic and now we have the tools to prevent ourselves from being manipulated again.


Fauci Testimony Uncovered 'Drastic' Failures, Republicans Say (NewsWeek)

A testimony by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former chief medical adviser at the White House, uncovered "drastic" failures within the nation's health systems, Republicans said this week.

On Monday, Fauci, who also previously served as the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), testified in front of the Republican-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Committee chairman, Representative Brad Wenstrup, issued a statement saying, "Dr. Fauci's testimony today uncovered drastic and systemic failures in America's public health systems."


“Synthetically-generated Genomically Targeted Plagues” Will Be The Future Of Warfare, Says New Defense Report (InfoWars)

In a recent report by the RAND Corporation, funded by the Office of the Secretary of Defense and the  National Defense Research Institute, researchers explored the potential for engineered pathogens to become instruments of warfare. Now that advanced and complex biotechnology has left the realm of science fiction, and become reality, analysts and experts are beginning to assume that nation-states and non-state groups will consider these technologies in their planning and strategic forecasts.

“Technological improvements, including messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines, the use of CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) gene sequences as a genetic engineering tool, and advances in BCI (brain-computer interfaces), may shift strategic calculations,” the report states. “The emergence of ever more countries with advanced biotechnology capabilities raises a new, more dynamic future for biotechnology at war.”


Leave the world behind: The government’s use of controlled chaos to maintain power (WashTimes)

Will 2024 be the year the Deep State’s exercise in controlled chaos finally gives way to an apocalyptic dismantling of our constitutional republic, or what’s left of it? All the signs seem to point in this direction.

For years now, the government has been pushing us to the brink of a national nervous breakdown. This breakdown — triggered by polarizing circus politics, media-fed mass hysteria, militarization and militainment (the selling of war and violence as entertainment), a sense of hopelessness and powerlessness in the face of growing corruption, the government’s alienation from its populace, and an economy that has much of the population struggling to get by — has manifested itself in the polarized, manipulated mayhem, madness and tyranny that is life in the American police state today.

Why is the Deep State engineering this societal madness? What’s in it for the government?


Violent political threats surge as 2024 begins, haunting American democracy (WaPo)

Rusty Bowers, a former speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives who played a pivotal role in resisting efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, drove into his neighborhood east of Phoenix the day after Christmas to a spine-chilling scene.

His home, nestled off a dirt road in an unincorporated slice of the desert, was surrounded by sheriff’s deputies. An unknown caller had reported that there was a pipe bomb inside and that a woman had been murdered.


DHS Chief Mayorkas’s Border Fix: Bus More Illegal Aliens into U.S. Towns (Breitbart)

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is lobbying Congress to allocate billions to bus more border crossers and illegal aliens into the United States.

During a press conference near the U.S.-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Monday, Mayorkas went on defense and accused critics of lying about his record as DHS secretary under President Joe Biden.

“Some have accused DHS of not enforcing our nation’s laws. This could not be further from the truth,” Mayorkas said.


The Latest Dirty Word in Corporate America: ESG (WSJ)

Many companies no longer utter these three letters: E-S-G. Following years of simmering investor backlash, political pressure and legal threats over environmental, social and governance efforts, a number of business leaders are now making a conscious effort to avoid the once widely used acronym for such initiatives. On earnings calls, many chief executives now employ new approaches. Some companies, including Coca-Cola, are rebranding corporate reports and committees, stripping ESG from titles. Advisers are coaching executives on alternative ways to describe their efforts, proposing new terms like “responsible business.” On Wall Street, meanwhile, some firms are closing once-popular ESG funds as interest fades.

The shift in messaging reflects a reality: “ESG is complicated,” said Daryl Brewster, a former Kraft Foods and Nabisco executive who now heads Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose, a nonprofit of more than 200 companies focused on social impact.


The AARP Just Told Its 38 Million Members To Get An 8th (Yes, Eighth!!) Shot Of mRNA (ZeroHedge)

The lobbying group for older Americans just told its nearly 38 million members to “hustle” for another Covid jab, even if they have already had five boosters.

See for yourself. The following question-and-answer column ran in the organization’s December “AARP Bulletin”: AARP is open to anyone 50 or older.The column does not specify a narrower or higher age range for its recommendation.

Thus it implies that even a 50-year-old who has not already had six “Covid boosters” needs to “catch up” with another immediately.

Keep in mind that someone who has had “five Covid boosters” has actually received seven mRNA jabs - the initial two-shot primary vaccination regimen, followed by five boosters.

Thus AARP is suggesting its members should be taking their eighth jab of mRNA in the last three years.


Scientists find about a quarter million invisible nanoplastic particles in a liter of bottled water (AP)

The average liter of bottled water has nearly a quarter million invisible pieces of ever so tiny nanoplastics, detected and categorized for the first time by a microscope using dual lasers.

Scientists long figured there were lots of these microscopic plastic pieces, but until researchers at Columbia and Rutgers universities did their calculations they never knew how many or what kind. Looking at five samples each of three common bottled water brands, researchers found particle levels ranged from 110,000 to 400,000 per liter, averaging at around 240,000 according to a study in Monday’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


2023 Confirmed as World's Hottest Year on Record (BBC)

The year 2023 has been confirmed as the warmest on record, driven by human-caused climate change and boosted by the natural El Niño weather event.

Last year was about 1.48C warmer than the long-term average before humans started burning large amounts of fossil fuels, the EU's climate service says.

Almost every day since July has seen a new global air temperature high for the time of year, BBC analysis shows. Sea surface temperatures have also smashed previous highs.


German Farmers Revolt - Peak Prosperity Podcast (YouTube)